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Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday February 2nd, following the 10:30 service. This year we’re excited to return to gathering around a potluck in Magnuson Hall, followed by the meeting. For the potluck we invite those with last names beginning with A-K to bring salad, L-S to bring a salad or side dish, and T-Z a dessert [but no matter your name, please feel free to bring your favorite dish, of any kind, to share!]. Messiah will provide chicken pieces & beverages. The meeting will being at 12:15 pm (at the earliest).

Print copies of the annual report will be available on the Welcome Table (just outside the church office) two weeks prior to the meeting. The agenda for the meeting will include receiving the annual report, election of council and committee members, adopting revisdionsto our Welcome Statement, and the approval of the 2025 budget. If you need a digital copy, please contact the church office.