You are welcome here! Our worshiping congregation each week includes a wide range of young families, established members, visitors, lifelong Lutherans, transplants from other denominations and backgrounds, people who love to sing, people who hate to sing, people with varying physical abilities, people who dress up, people who wear casual clothes … whoever you are, there is a place for you. You “fit in” simply by being YOU!
That depends. Looking for the church office? Use the glass double doors off of West Magnetic Street. Coming to worship Sunday? Come through the doors off of West Magnetic, or on the south side of the building under the carport. Any door will eventually get you to the right place, but those two are the easiest!
All our worship is grounded in the Lutheran liturgical pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, & Sending.
Join us online for Sunday worship; find all of our services, sermons, and more on our Messiah Vimeo channel.
If you join us in person, here’s what you can expect: You will receive a bulletin containing all the liturgy, prayers, and responses. Most songs will come out of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the red hymnal. Saturday 5:00 p.m. worship is led by piano in the atrium. Sunday 8:30 a.m. worship is led by organ, piano, and choir. Sunday 10:30 a.m. worship is led by piano, guitar, and other instruments. Services include prayers, songs, responses, readings, a sermon, offering, and communion.
Ask anybody you meet at worship and they will share with you ways to be involved. We have lots of weekly activities for for all ages for you to join in and you can find more on our ministries page. For any questions, email our office at
Be comfortable, be casual. You wouldn't be out of place at any of our services in a flannel and jeans or slacks and a button down.
Our parking is fairly limited, but we don't let that stop us! There is parking along Magnetic Street and in the lot immediately to the east of the church. If you're dropping someone off, the driveway through the parking lot loops around to a carport on the south side of the building with swift access to the sanctuary.
If our own lots are full, you may use "The Village" shopping center lot to the south-east of the church. We're grateful to have the use of that space when we have worship services. There is also street parking along Third Street and many of the other side streets.
Finally, if the weather allows for it, we encourage you to bicycle, walk, or carpool! Caring for God's creation is part of who we are as Christians.
While it is never a requirement to be a member to worship with us and be a part of our community, becoming a member helps us stay connected with you.